About this image :-
In this image you can see that a bullish engulfing candle is form and than price move rapidly so in this post we talk about bullish engulfing and also learn how to trade using this pattern. Welcome to this post now keep learning and careful learning.
What is Bullish Engulfing Candle :-
The bullish engulfing candle means where two is form and first candle is small as compare to second candle and second candle color is green compulsory and also second candle closing is greater than first candle high. This is called Bullish Engulfing candle.
How to identify Bullish Engulfing Candle :-
Its identify is too much easily if you want to find bullish engulfing candle than first to first open candle sticks chart and ready my first paragraph answer and if follow in any chart you can mark it like that you can see our first image in this post. This way you can identify bullish engulfing candle.
How to trade using Bullish Engulfing Candle :-
If you want to using this candle sticks than first to first find this candle on your chart and than mark it and than see is it properly Bullish Engulfing Candle is or not if yes than wait for second candle and if second color is also green than measure your stop loss if stop loss is your range than you can buy or trade using this candlesticks.
What is proper Bullish Engulfing Candle :-
The proper bullish engulfing candle means it is real or trap may be lots of time not form real bullish engulfing candle than maximum trader become prey so you must need to find proper bullish candle. If you find proper bullish engulfing candle than you can make profit using this candle sticks.
How to find proper Bullish Engulfing Candle :-
There are some conditions if follow these candle than you can easily find proper bullish engulfing candle.
1. See Support
2. See Resistance.
3. Mark find candle high and low
4. See second candle high and low
5. See second candle closing ( if second candle closing is greater than first candle high that it is real )
6. Check Candle Strength
7. Wait for third candle
8. If third candle is hammer or hanging man and its color is green than it is good
9. See Volume of green candles
10. Find breakout in Resistance is form then it is very good indication for profit
If follow all the rules than you can take trade on the basis of proper bullish engulfing candle now your trade profit is increase if obeys its all rule in your trade.
May I trade in sell side using bullish engulfing candle :-
No you can’t trade in sell side using bullish engulfing candle. Or you can’t sell using bullish engulfing candle because it is a bullish candle sticks pattern if you want to sell than you focus on bearish candle sticks pattern and bullish candle sticks means it is bullish for buy side not sell side.
How to work in live market and chart :-
This is the live market chart in this chart you can see that in support form bullish engulfing candle and it is a proper bullish engulfing candle and also third candle color is green using these whole things if you take trade than it is very good for profit.
What is the best strategy for making profit :-
In the trading filed there are lots of strategy for making profit but in my case only I try to focus two strategy find is box or zone strategy and second one is breakout and retest strategy. It is a basic strategy for every one and also best strategy for every one.
Live results of zone or box strategy :-
You can see our second image of this post we draw a support and a resistance and you can see this support and resistance difference is called zone or box it means in this bullish engulfing candle sticks pattern also form zone or box pattern so we always saying that focus on range or zone or box chart than mark it when any candle sticks or chart pattern form than you can take trade.
What is the best time for buy any stocks :-
The best time for buy any stocks is when fall the market but we are doing its opposite when market are falling that time we take lots of stress and try to sell it but this is very bad habit for new traders try to avoid it and also when market is very bullish than don’t buy without any pattern if any pattern is form and also retest done and 12M candle is good than you can buy in medium amount.
Learning of this post :-
There are lots of learning in this post like that the first thing is learning for all are what is bullish engulfing candle sticks pattern and how to work its and what is proper bullish engulfing candle sticks how to identify it and than you must see live market results and than you can learn what is the best strategy for making profit and than you can learn best time for buy any stocks. These are some things for learning of this post.